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Back to school

Hi there!

Yes, it is September again, sorry. Time to go back to work/school and the daily routine. Take a week or two to get used to it and then think that routine could be a great ally while you are learning a language. Try to start using the tips I'm giving you in this blog as part or your daily life. Let's start with something easy, I will review with you few things you can start doing now.

1. Listen English music or the radio while you are driving. That's easy and it takes no time.
2. Try to start watching a TV series in English. Each episode should be around 30 minutes long so you will not get too tired and you can watch it while you are having dinner or before going to bed. Choose one according to your level, if you don't understand every word but you know what are they talking about and what's happening that's the right show for you. Short episodes are the best, I'll give you few examples but choose the one you could really enjoy: The Big Bang Theory, Friends, Scrubs, IT crowd, The young ones, How I met your mother, Two men and a half, Modern Family, The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, the Fresh Prince... 
3. Take notes. Write down everything you want to keep in mind. Don't stop the film, show or the book every time you find a new word but search the meaning of the ones that seem important to you and review them before going to sleep. You will spend less than five minutes in reading them and you will avoid boring studying hours. 

Finally, there are plenty of apps to start a routine that will remind you when do you have to do it and check your improvement. If you are not used to these resources just use a calendar or an agenda. I'm used to write a challenge per week because I can't promise to find time every day because of my job, it is easier to find time between my private lessons and leave few days free to relax during the week. My challenge this week would be try to drink water every day (it is really hard for me, I'm never thirsty!) and read at least the first three chapters of my new book in English. Today it's my birthday and my parents bought me The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster.

I hope you will be able to turn English in a daily activity so learning it will not be that hard. Before saying goodbye I will add one of my favourite songs with lyrics so you can understand it and play karaoke if you want. That's my way of welcoming September and saying goodbye to a very nice person that left this world few days ago. 

Thanks for reading.

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