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Easy grammar

Some people are used to do mind-maps or tables because they are visual learners, other people need to have something to read so they prefer to summarize the grammar. There are also few people who uses silly jokes or word games to keep something in mind.  Personally, I use everything. I am a visual learner but I'm not able to explain everything with tables or mind-maps so sometimes I need to just summarize part of it. And if I'm studying and I keep on forgeting the same thing again and again I try to find a trick playing on the words. 
It doesn't matter what's best for you, just do it so you will not need to learn almost anything by heart. Our problem with grammar is that we always try to repeat and repeat till we got it, even if we don't understand it, so few days later everything is gone and we end feeling very frustrated. It is better if we stop, take a breath and use this time to read, think and understand what are we learning.  So, I'll give you some advice to use this methods properly, then try and choose what is better for you, it could be one, few or all of them!


English grammar can be easily organised in mind-maps and tables but if you prefer a text just explain the mind-maps and summarize the long definitions. Summarizing is important because humans are very visual, we get tired just seeing what's left. If you are in the gym with the music or a TV you will be trainning longer than if you are constantly looking at your watch. The same thing happens when you are studying, even if you know that it is exactly the same amount of grammar, you will learn it faster and happier if you have 3 pages than if you have 10.
To have a perfect summary, rewrite everything in the way you would explain it. It is eaier to learn something that you wrote in your way than something that your brain needs to change every sentence. Even when you can prefectly understand it, if something sounds extrange, change it. That could seem a waste of time but by doing it, you are trying to understand every sentence and summarizing will help you to organize the grammar in your mind. Most of the times by the end of the day you will know everything you worked on without studying it.That will be so much better than repeating again and again.
Finally, remmember that the only person that will read your notes is yourself. So don't hesitate to use shorter words or symbols like if you were sending a text to a friend. Every word is important because one by one your notes will be becoming shorter and easier according to your eyes (and brain). 

Mind-maps and tables

As I said, you will be able to explain most grammar topics by this method; dividing them by gender, uses, topics, tenses... You can also use tables as vocabulary lists, with the new words, the meaning in your own language and, if you find it neccessary, you can add a sentence to include a context. Microsoft Word is quite good for the tables but it puts too many limits to make a proper mind-map. If you are more into that ones I suggest a very interesting (and free) webpage called Popplet. This online tool offers you everything without a registration but you should sign up if you want to print or save your maps. It could be really useful. 

Teacher help

While you are working on grammar you may need some help with few points. The best option is asking to an expert. So the best way to learn a language is going to a language academy and work at home as I'm teaching you. If you are doing it, ask your teacher every doubt you have. If you are learning on your own because you don't want a teacher or because you can't afford one, don't worry, ask a friend. If you have no native friends, maybe you have one that's is learning English and he/she is in a higher level than you, but remmember that friend could be tired if you have so many questions. If you can't go to a friend, you will always have internet. There are plenty of sites and youtube videos that explain grammar for free. But remmember that everybody can have a youtube account or a website, do not trust in the first information you can find, check it at least in two different places.

Tricks and word games

Finally, if you understand everything but you keep on forgetting the same part of the grammar or vocabulary, try to find a trick. For example, I used to be confused with the words price and prize. It is just a letter but the meaning is completely different, so after having to check it on wordreference before using it more than a hundred times I decided to look for a silly trick to keep it on mind. I didn't find a word game so I played with the letters in a drawing (like the one on the right), it is very simple and kinda stupid but now I'm always sure that prize is an award and price is the cost of the things. 
The easiest thing to do with a list is playing with the first letter of each word. For example if you can't say in orther the days of the week just think a sentence like: MOnica and TUrk WEnt to THailand with FRiends to enjoy the SAnd and the SUn. It is not my best sentence but it could work, sorry I can't think something better right now. You can even make a drawing of them going to the beach if it helps. 
It doesn't matter if it seems silly, the goal is keep the vocabulary or the grammar in mind and stop getting frustrated with the same mistake again and again.

I hope it will help you finding easier your grammar and enjoying your learning proccess. 

Bye bye

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