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No more grammar?

I should be honest with you. You cannot speak a language without studying grammar and vocabulary, sorry. But you can learn this boring part of a language without being stuck to a book. In this post I will give you few advices to get the grammar without falling asleep on your notes.
First of all, you need the material to study, I mean, you should choose what do you want to learn. Look for something easy, don't try to run because you can end with more than you can manage.You can use a book, internet, notes from your classes... Then, make sure you understand the theory, if not ask your teacher or look for more information, maybe it is clear in another webpage. If you're sure that you understand everything, close the book and start using that grammar topic.
For example, if you start with Present Simple you should try to make sentences, just say them out loud. Whenever you feel comfortable with it start doing some exercises in a notebook or online. Yo can use again a book or Internet. Ask someone to check them for you because is very difficult to see our own mistakes. Correct your errors and learn from them. After that, keeping on studying and repeating has no sense. Leave it, start with some vocabulary and come back to it later. Sometimes we just need to have a break. Few days later make a quick review, if everything is still alright go to the next grammar point. If not, don't worry, keep working. Going back to my example, I would say that after Present Simple, a good idea could be go on with Present Continuous because you can combine both of them. So these weeks you'll be learning something new and keeping on mind what you've learnt before. 
The last thing you should do is looking for the grammar you've learnt in everything! This is the only post that I will write about studying grammar like in the old schools. If you find out that your favourite song is full of examples of Present Simple and Present Continuous, you will keep both longer than if you've studied for months. Pay attention when you watch a TVseries, take notes while reading a book, talk in English even when you are alone... Well, keep reading my posts and you'll see how many things you can do when you've already got the basics of grammar. 

Keep going and enjoy!

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