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Pulp Fiction

I've just come home, I've been in the cinema watching my favourite film: Pulp Fiction. I know, it is an old movie, but it si so good, so unbelievable, that it is on the cinemas again to celebrate its 30th anniversary. And of course, as a perfect nerd I went there without hesitating it and I will keep the ticket as a treasure. But the point is that I was watching the film and I decided to post something about it in this blog as my own tribute and to make you watch this amazing artwork.
If you've watched it before, I'm quite sure you will not have any problem with watching it again, this time in English, of course. If you haven't seen it, you are already late, go! You'll thank me later. It plays with the time during the whole movie using flashbacks and flashforwards every few minutes so maybe if you watch it the first time in English you will not get anything. Try with English subtitles, it will help you with spelling too. If you still can't watch it, do it with your own language subtitles and watch it properly again in few days. I would not want you to destroy your first time watching Pulp Fiction to learn English, you'll have time to do that but watching if for the very first time... it happens only once. 
Tarantino's scripts are wonderful, enjoy them. Take notes of the words that get your attention and search theis meaning after the film. Don't stop it, if you miss an important common word it will come again during the movie or in another place. Don't worry if you don't understand everything, pick paper and a pen and try your best. 
That's all, watching a whole movie is hard enough to have extra homework. We don't want to get too tired and stop watching movies in English. If you take some notes to learn few new words and you understand what's happening in every scene it is a success! 
If you are thinking that you have no time, here you have two of my favourite scenes because of its dialogues as non-sense as brilliant. Please, don't watch them if you didn't watch the movie before, I would hate to make a spoiler in a film like this one. Enjoy.
PS: I have post it also to learn Spanish (I know, it is an American film but it feels unfair to me to recommend this film only to the English learners) so if you want to watch this scenes in Spanish click here.

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